“Good story to read, it will help you to know who are behind the development of Africa”
Why Kanga faked his death? Was he wise or unwise man?
Once upon a time, in one African country, one man thought to liberate his people under the bad regime. This liberation was not easy, whereby thousands of people lost lives and other ran away forever. He fulfilled his mission and then faked his death to dismiss hundred agreements signed with the groups of the dealers who supported him economically, militarily, and psychologically.
Kanga was a major general in the army, one day he woke up and motivated his colleagues to change the regime. The majority of the soldiers accepted his ideology and went to learn in the forest. The sponsors of the project financed billions of U.S dollars and sent some engineers to train the soldiers in five month.

The provincial government had some rumors through the communities- suspected his deal, and then they sent some double agents to join his movement in order to destroy their plans. All the undercover agents failed their missions and became the members of the rebellion for real. The government failed to pay the workers of the entire country, many people hated the leaders that allowed corruption, which made the country in global crisis. When the soldiers were well trained, Kanga declared the war against the government publicly, the leaders called him for negotiation but it was too late – the fire was on.
They were starting to attack the bordering zones. The government soldiers panicked and ran away; they were so tired. The rebels fought hard whereby they could not lose their lives and left thousands of unsupported orphans and widows. Few days later, the entire province was under the control of Kanga, and then he called his fellow people to come back and joined the movement of transformation (MP). Many teens joined his army; he proclaimed his temporary government, nominated a short-term president who could work with civilians- under his commandment. The dealers started to pay themselves before they could attack the second province of the country. The dealers thought to kill Kanga before they could reach the capital city and Kanga created deep love with his local soldiers than those mercenaries so that they could protect him at the last point of the mission. The dealers and mercenaries thought that Kanga was so blind after failing to demonstrate his tactical and modus operandi. Kanga accepted everything the dealers could tell him, he knew that the enemies were very hungry, then they used money to buy the leaders of the enemies to open their ways to the capital city. The innocent soldiers tried their best to resist but the foundation was splintered by the ready money.
They failed to recover after many ambush, trapped by the corrupted chiefs. Some leaders thought to work in the new regime but they were lying themselves because the dealers prepared their new government fifty years back and no one could change their minds. The president of the country (Kuku) lost hope when his faithful servants failed to confront in ten provinces, found himself in the grave whereby he could not find a small hole to look at his enemies.
The theater was at the end, the players were waiting for their payments before they could take out theater uniforms. Kuku and kanga dreamed their deaths, and then they called some African leaders to unite them but Kuku failed to convince kanga in order to work together and betrayed the dealers. The plan of Kuku was to rob poor citizens, kanga wished to recover the souls of his fellow nation that struggled many years ago. The teen soldiers were trusted Kanga too much, they took him as their best father and friend; he supported them with everything they wanted. At last point,
the dealers noticed that and it could not be easy to kill Kanga again because the teen soldiers were unbreakable and just about reaching the last province. Kanga put his faithful soldiers at the front lines; they attacked hard and recuperated the capital city. Kuku left early, most of his soldiers were defeated and ran away in neighboring countries. When Kanga heard that the capital city was under control of the teen soldiers, then he proclaimed himself as a short-lived president of the country.... Kanga said,” my fellow people, today ... I declare to be a leader who is ready to comfort his people for a while. I know why, open your eyes, and look at me ... Who do you see on my flip-side, whom did you see near me, can you see my fellow brothers and sisters? I am ready to wipe up the water from your eyes, after struggling ... more than hundred years ago. Nevertheless, I am not sure to fulfill my goals. One of my favorite African writers wrote a Book ... title’ Remember Your Roots’ ... that was an exceptional Book in my whole life. The author revealed us, Africans and African-Americans the way to build up our minds and thoughts, when he said:
’ From the huts to the buildings,
From the slavery to freedom,
From wear and tear to development
From going downhill to come alive;
From maladministration to good governance,
From fraudulence to truthfulness,
From rural to urban,
From darkness to brightness,
From being sinner to holiness’
His Book inspired me that much and pushed me to rise up, because we were so tired following the selfish people.
Africa needs patriotic leaders...
Not treacherous servants”
Story by Pastor A.W.CHRIS
Copyright © 2016, A.W.CHRIS
All rights reserved.
ISBN:10: 1519679394