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This is the story of a woman who received a call from God and worked for Him as a catholic sister. Later on, she allowed her ancestors to use her, became a traditional healer, and ended up to death.

ON 02/10, 2016, I took my bible and went to do the work of God, and then I met a woman called Masinya, who was critical sick in the hospital. When she saw me, she wept immediately. I was so shocked to see her weeping then I asked her,” my sister, what is going on with you? Can you talk to me dear? “She kept quiet looking at me. She was so confused, thinking of her life. Then she replied, saying, “My head aches and I am strength less “she could not seat or stand, she did not want to talk more about her life. I was still busy thinking of the origin of her sickness, I did not know if she was a Sangoma. Then I told God to tell me more about her. I asked her to pray with me, she accepted. When we were praying, I saw some spirits, which surrounded her; I screamed; my body trembled, I was engaging in the war against those spirits. When I finished praying, I asked her again,” can you tell me more about yourself? What do you always see in your dreams? “It was not easy for her to answer me, her mouths was closed.

Then I said in my heart, “oh God help this poor woman, she is in danger”

Some minutes later, she opened mouths and said, “I always see some people in cultural stuff “immediately, I recognized the same spirits which I saw while we were praying, and then I asked her,” do you mind if I cast them out?” She got angry with me, saying,” those are my guardians; I do not want to withdraw our agreement. “According to me, those spirits could not help her achieve something in life but she was suffering a lot (loosing mind, and falling sick most time). I could not force her, then I left her ward. My heart was not happy at all. I went home.

On 04/10/2016, I went to the hospital, I found Masinya with her relatives (her mother and sisters), then I told them to convince her in order to cast out those spirits, they laughed and said,” it is not easy to convince a tradition healer, because she knows the important of her work. “ I did not understand their point of view. I asked them,” Do you want her kick the bucket?” They looked at me as a stranger, one of them replied,” we don’t want her bite the dust, we are so confused.” Then she asked Masinya, “As you told me about this Pastor on Monday, he wants to help you, can you allow him to set you free? “ Masinya screamed,” no,no,no.” She disappointed them and they could not force her, because she knew the name of her mysterious office and the spirits, which controlled her. I could be able to close all the contact between her and any bad spirits as if as she could accept the Spirit of Christ to rule her minds and thoughts.

I called one of the sister nurses who claimed to be a tradition healer too. She came in that ward and said” it is not easy for you to convince this Sangoma( Tradition healer); at least you could be the member of Sangoma ministries. She will never betray her elders until she depart this life. Remember, we Sangomas believe that God uses our elders to reveal to us. Moreover, the Bible is as a gazette, I can even throw it into the wastepaper basket. Don’t lose your time thinking of helping this mama, she knows where she belongs.” I could not keep quiet, I asked that nurse,” As you compared this Bible to a gazetted, do you know that this Bible can smash you and all those spirits in you? She said,” No, that is a gazette” I realized the combination of negative powers, which influenced her. Then I asked her,”are you ready to give up the ghost? Can you allow me to hit this Bible on your head? “She kept quiet, she knew what I meant.

she confused the angels with the spirits of the ancestors . then she asked , " what are the angels ? "

I was happy to hear that question , because many people don't know the different between demons and angels as long as both are spirits. I said," the bible define angels as the spirits who serve God and are sent by Him to help those who are to receive salvation but demons are spirits work with the Devil and their mission is to destroy people." she was not convinced ,.

I continued showing the power of the Bible, in saying," The Bible is a strong weapon if you know how to use it. Some people do not realize that and end up throwing it away. As the scripture says' for the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even in division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart ( Hebrews 4: 12).

And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God

(Ephesians 6: 17)'" my time fished , and I went home

On 07/10/2016. I went back to the hospital and found Masinya passed on earlier. Some people realized the danger of welcoming the spirits of the dead people.

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