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On June 10, 2011

There was a servant of God, who always reminded God about his future wife.” His name was George.” He wished to marry a faithful wife, but he was not yet found.

He saw many visions that concerned a woman of his choice but he did not understand the meaning of the visions. He got hope to find someone who could assist him in life. He kept on praying to God to send the God-fearing woman so that he could progress well in his mission. George wanted to avoid much temptation of the worldly people. A human being with feelings lived with the woman before the mission of God. He felt hard to stay alone in seven years. The Bible was like his best friend because he was walking with it most of the days. The Bible was always near him day and night, it became his big comforter when he could have bad feelings.

One-day morning George went to the public library to read books, then one beautiful Zulu woman (Hlengiwe) came and set near him. He was busy reading the Quran in order to find some verses, which would help him to debate with his neighbour Muslims. Hlengiwe was preparing some lessons and she got intention to know more concerning the Bible.

Later on, a Muslim man (Balham) came and saw George with the Quran then he greeted them and set near Hlengiwe. Balham noticed that George was a pastor then he separated with them. He became very angry to see a Christian man who opened the Quran publicly.

Hlengiwe was focusing in her coursework; she did not want to bother herself with an unnecessary topic. Balham was not happy at all then he told George to close the Quran... ‘His face became red because of anger’. Then Hlengiwe became curious to know what was going on between Balham and George. Hlengiwe asked George, “Brother, are you okay? “

George replied that he was good but Hlengiwe saw that the man of God was out of his mood, because of being oppressed publicly.

The librarian Linda came and told Balham the rules of the library, he looked like a newcomer in the library.

Shortly, everything came to normal. Hlengiwe was happy to meet George in the library; it was their first meeting as long as they were living in the same town.

They both separated.

When George arrived home, he remembered one of his visions, then he started to think about Hlengiwe s’ character “How humble and calm... she was.”

Unfortunately, he did not take her phone number. Hlengiwe was doing masters in IT (Informatics technology) and George was the Bible teacher (theologian).

One month later, George met Hlengiwe in the street when she was going to the hospital and George were teaching out of town then he prayed her phone number.

Hlengiwe was a God-fearing woman, she did not hesitate to give her number to George (They were both rushing). Around night George called her three times, unfortunately, her phone was off.

Then came the morning; Hlengiwe found three missed calls and phoned George immediately. Their conversation was good at all; they planned to meet in town on next week Monday.

They met in the park... George decided to marry Hlengiwe after their conversation but Hlengiwe had a fiancée who infected her HIV/AIDS ten years back. She would not want to marry his fiancée again because he was very rude and she should not accept the offer of George. George was disappointed after the rejection and he did not know the real reason. Hlengiwe hid her status to people and she did not want to kill innocent men.

Night God told George that Hlengiwe was HIV positive.

The same night, he phoned Hlengiwe to confirm the vision. Luckily, Hlengiwe accepted that she was HIV positive and she did not want to kill him soon.

She had trauma, failed to find a good social worker and a psychologist.

George was ready to help her financial as spiritual... then he gave her some rules to follow daily:

  • Love your neighbour as you love your- self

  • Have joy in Jesus Christ

  • Be peaceful with every one

  • Be patient in whatever problem in this worldly life

  • Be kind to your brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ

  • Have good relationship with God and people

  • Be faithful to God and to other people

  • Have self-control in spiritual and natural life.

Hlengiwe was so happy to find a comforter but her fiancée would destroy her at any time. She scared him and decided to go far from George and Luyanda, because Luyanda would shoot them.

People informed Luyanda, and then he started to investigate Hlengiwe day and night. Her life became miserable; desperate - no one else could heal her pain. Finally, Hlengiwe decided to pay back Luyanda’s 50,000 Rand so that she could become free. Luyanda loved her so much and then he refused to receive that offer back. He bought a gun to shoot himself and Hlengiwe.

Later on, she noticed the plan of her fiancée and went to the unknown place. Luyanda thought that George disappeared with his fiancée but the truth was; Hlengiwe hated his fiancée after finding out that she was HIV positive. She was very Fidel to Luyanda only, but Luyanda played the easy game in hush-hush. He won a big price” HIV/AIDS,” andshared with hundreds of Students at Colleges, Universities, and Secondary Schools.

Many students lost their lives, “hanging themselves because HIV/AIDS.” They forgot that to kill is a sin, and nothing is impossible with God.

God always hears His faithful servants because they are at His right side with Jesus Christ.

By Pastor A.W.CHRIS

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