Eshowe CHRISTIAN Fraternal (ECF)
Is a group of some local Ministers who came together in order to portray the body of Jesus positively locally, nationally and internationally.
Know more about our work
As we were called to evangelize the entire world, we are not limited while revealing the truth to the nations. We visit Schools, Hospitals (clinics), Prisons, Police Stations, Ships and so on.
Know more about our group meeting
- We meet last Wednesday of each month, from 10 o’clock.
Know more about our group leadership
In term of working well, we appointed two ministers to lead the group.
Chairperson : Rev Nurdus Nel ( Eshowe Methodist church)
Vice Chairperson : Rev Daan
If you wish to share with us, contact our Chairperson
Office : 0354741254
Mobile : 0826722470
Email: eshowe713@telkomsa
Message: Peace to the brethren, and love with faith from God the Father and the Lord Christ. Grace be with all those who love our Jesus Christ in sincerity. Amen. Ephesians 6: 23- 24