Lovely ones , when some friends think to block you because the truth burnt their hearts. God won't allow them to come off. Remember, ...
Friends , when you speak to people in the same language and they dont understand you. Dont think if they are deaf or stubborn. Find out...
Preaching the truth Doesn't mean Fighting
Lovely ones ,preaching the truth does not mean fighting but hating the truth , it is the beginning of the silent war. Then don't be...
Hating the Truth ,Beginning of Spiritual War
Friends many people hate the truth, because it is breaking their hearts. We don’t wish to hurt you but we wish to help you think of the...
Before the bloodbath, God spoke to people through signs and they negleted
Before the bloodbath in one DR Congo’s towns (last two months), one young woman (14 year – old) was at school. Around the school break,...
Ancestors Killed the Baby
TESTIMONY Last week, I met a pregnant woman who cried for her baby. She was two weeks in the hospital in waiting for delivery. She heard...
. A LOYAL SERVANT On January 16, 2010 Once upon in HHOHHO, one servant of God Nicolas refused to eat in seven days. He was in his room...
Born To Light Africa
MORNING SCREAM Concern: the youth As the sunrise, a young African man screamed,” I am a Writer and Pastor, the voice from Africa, Born in...
I want you to know that no one who is by God's Spirit can say " a curse on Jesus !" and no one confess "Jesus is the Lord ,"without being...
Creation of the lights
Friends, let us put eyes at the creation of the lights. And God said , let there be light : and there was light.And God saw the light,...